Thursday, March 3, 2011

Pitter patter of little feet

Babe after two vet visits, going back tomorrow
The empty house of a couple of days ago has been filled with the pitter patter of eight little feet. Norma Jean's kitchen is hardwood, and the click of those little feet pervades the house with a very happy sound. Yesterday you met Babe (almost everybody calls her "precious" when they see her), but we like the name because that's what Pete always called Norma Jean. Babe was listless and we took her yesterday to the vet's office where she was hydrated several times.  She was also given a less caustic antibiotic for her to take after the abdominal surgery she had Monday at the pound. The very next day they put her up for adoption, and fortunately we brought her home, because we knew she wasn't doing well.

Today we took her back again, after the listlessness returned and she wouldn't eat or drink anything. They x-rayed her and found her extremely constipated, so they gave her an enema and we are to take her back to the vet's tomorrow morning to see if she's doing better. She still won't drink but we are giving her water through a syringe. The doctor said not to feed her tonight, but she hasn't shown any interest. I'm pretty worried about her, but we're all hoping it will turn out for the best. I am already very attached to the little pooch.

And today Norma Jean received Chester, a dog she agreed to foster to keep him from being euthanized. That was this lively dog's fate this week if no foster home could be found for him. He's nine years old but very smart and fit, and although this senior chihuahua might be hard to find a suitable home for, he's a real addition to this household.
Chester and Norma Jean
He's a wonderful doggie, and it breaks my heart that dogs like this cannot find permanent homes. I suspect that it won't be long before Norma Jean's heart will be captured. Heck, I think it already is! We went out for dinner and when we came back home tonight, two frenetically wagging tails and two excited doggies filled the house with joy. It makes me glad to see them here.

Now all we need to do is get the Babe healthy and well, and I'll feel just fine to head back home on Tuesday. Oh, one other thing: this morning I swam 24 laps in the pool without stopping!! Tomorrow I'm going to try for a half mile (36). If I can do that, maybe I can get enough exercise swimming to substitute that activity for aerobics once in a while.

That's all for now. What a different Thursday post from my usual outdoors one!

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