Saturday, May 15, 2010

There be dragons

While walking around the Farmers' Market in the sunshine this morning, I spied this dragon lurking about. The title of this post is a takeoff from my favorite Star Trek movie (the one about the whales) where Scotty says, "Captain, there be whales!" I just had to use this picture, even though it's slightly out of focus (actually the shoes are in focus). This young man had just visited Henna Moon and received his beautiful henna tattoo, so I went over to find Chele to show her my picture of it. She told me that he and his sister are repeat customers from last year. You can click any picture to enlarge.
The iris are coming into bloom all around town, and this picture of a delicate purple and white bouquet caught my eye and raised my spirit, just to look at them. There was no shortage of smiles around the market today, with all the people, organic veggies, sunshine, flowers galore, and festive atmosphere.
If there is anything better than a day like today in this part of the world, I'm not sure what it is. I woke early and headed out to spend the morning walking with the Fairhaven walkers group, drove home and took the bus downtown to the market.

Last night when I went to bed, I had been feeling a little depressed over the post that Jo of A Majority of Two had posted about some prepubescent girls in a dance contest who performed Beyonce's "Put a Ring on It" in very suggestive costumes and with a lot of bumping and grinding. I watched the video and then saw an interview with two of the parents who said there was nothing wrong with what they were doing; any problem was my own dirty mind. Well, excuse me for disagreeing, but I felt sick after I saw the video. I did go and watch Beyonce singing and performing the song, and it was quite entertaining. But Beyonce is in her twenties, not eight years old.

Then today at the Farmers' Market, I had the distinct joyful experience of meeting this young lady, and I felt renewed looking around at little kids being little kids. She is actually quite good, and you can see she's got a few years left before she's giving concerts.
Now I sit inside watching through my front window at the birds chomping on the bird feeders, notice the light breeze playing with the pine needles on the tree behind them, listening to Smart Guy in the kitchen washing and preparing the kale I bought at the market. As I write this post, I cannot help but think life is good today.

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