Sunday, January 16, 2011

Rain, rain, more rain

After having had a spell of beautiful sunny days, we are now in the exact opposite situation: nothing but rain for days already, and no respite in the forecast until late next week. Right now I am sitting in front of my window, looking at the raindrops on the tree outside and noticing how beautiful and wet everything is. From here, inside, warm and cozy, it is lovely. Walking around in it is another matter. A current alert from the Weather Underground tells the tale:
* rain... heavy rain of up to 2.5 inches is expected during the next 24 hours through Monday morning for the central Cascades from Highway 2 on south. This will come on top of rain that has already fallen. Lesser but still significant amounts are expected over the north Cascades. Hydrologically significant rain will end on Monday afternoon.
"Hydrologically significant" rain ending does not mean the sun will come out. That's not expected until Wednesday at the earliest. In all the years I spent in Colorado enjoying the sunshine, I'm surprised that the continual rain hasn't darkened my spirits at all. For one thing, I never really "saw" the sunshine there, because it was a little like the air: it was just there. Now, when the sun comes out, I smile and go outside to enjoy it, with the added benefit of all the lush green scenery. Everything in Colorado looked brown and sparse to my eye during my recent visit, so now I have adapted to this:
Waterfalls, ferns, moss -- lots of green looks normal to my present Washingtonian eye. I suppose if I spent much time in Colorado again, I would forget all this and soon I would adjust to the new normal. I also wonder if I stored up enough rays in almost forty years in Colorado to tide me over for the rest of my life. Whatever the reason, it's all good to me right now.

Oh, and by the way, I wrote a couple of short reviews this morning on my other blog about two movies I've seen recently: The King's Speech and The Fighter. If you have seen either of these movies, I'd be interested to hear if you enjoyed them as much as I did.

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