Friday, July 2, 2010

If a tree falls

I took this picture of myself with my trusty self-timer, sitting in my favorite chair (as you can see, a simple reclining lawn chair), a glass of wine (just below the purple water bottle), and the red Super Soaker on the floor behind me.  As you can see, I've started reading Biocentrism. And I have already learned, just on Chapter 3, that if a tree falls in a forest and there's nobody around to hear it, it does not make a sound!

Yes, you heard that right: no sound. You will have to take my word on that, until you yourself read the book and discover the incontrovertible truth. So far, the book is absorbing on many levels, not the least of which is that the theory it presents, well, it just feels right. I am nowhere near finished with it, and I'll write a real book review when I'm done, but I did want to write down something that has been percolating within me for a few days now.

I'm going to write fewer posts in the near future, and here's why. First, I find myself casting about for blog fodder all the time, looking at my life events through that lens. I think I actually need to change my focus to discover why I wanted to start blogging in the first place. Second, I really function well when I have a framework within which to work. My other blog only has one post a week, and I spend the week thinking about what I'll address. The desire to be honest with myself, to look at who I used to be and how I got here is the main focus, not some urge to get interesting posts up whether I feel like it or not.

No, I will put one up for sure every Thursday that I go hiking with the Trailblazers, because all of them, including me, like to share it after the fact. Everyone who has internet access visits my post to see what the day looked like according to me (and my camera). I'd also like to have another weekly post that I would label introspective, for now anyway, and one other post to be determined by desire. It would be great if I got to a place where I actually couldn't wait to write it, rather than looking for pictures, ideas, something that would be of interest to my friends.

If I want to, there's nothing to keep me from breaking my new rules, but I'm wondering about other bloggers who have gotten to this juncture. Is there some maturing process that has been at work within me? Smart Guy said it's like when you're a young skydiver, everything is a certain way, but you can't have a hundred jumps forever: you mature as you spend increasing time in the environment. Maybe it's like that. What do you think?

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