Friday, April 23, 2010

Downed tree

Nothing too spectacular about this downed tree in the forest, is there? We noticed this tree while on our hike yesterday, because in looking at the root structure, there doesn't actually seem to be any. Then we remembered that on our trip to Raptor Ridge in December of last year, we had seen this same tree growing right out of the rock. Since I had snapped a picture of it, I'll show you why I took it:
The tree really was growing right out of the rock, with little tendrils of roots holding it from being blown down in the wind. But sometime between December and April, either it grew too large, or a windstorm, or a combination of the two, finally brought the tree down. It seems to have taken the tree to its left as well.

This brought to mind the old saying about being careful where you put down roots: in sand, in soil, or on rock. The tree seems to have been pretty old, had a good life, and finally got to its end. Here in the Pacific Northwest, Smart Guy and I are busy making sure our little baby Bellingham roots are taking hold in fertile ground, hopefully to keep us safe in the buffeting winds of life.

It's been two years since we moved here, and every day that passes makes me more confident in our choice. The intellectual journey at the office I left behind has been replaced with 60-some blogs that I follow, with challenges, ideas, knitting patterns, and life stories you share with me. Thank you.

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