Monday, January 4, 2010

Sins extended

I would give credit to the person who picked up a pen, a 3x5 index card and wrote this graph of the Seven Deadly Sins, extended version, and then put it on line, if I could. While I was looking for a picture to illustrate my post about the 7 Deadlies, I found this in several places but without any attribution, so I would like to say, if nothing else, good job! I hope you get a laugh or two out of it as I did.

I also decided, thanks to sas, to think about having a word for 2010. Hers is "shed" (and you can read about what she means at that link), and I chose "extend." Since my path in retirement is just beginning and is taking shape, I figured it would be a good way to think about the year ahead. Some of the ways it fits are:
  1. Extend and continue in the direction I've already begun
  2. Extend a hand to those less fortunate by volunteering in a still-to-be-decided manner
  3. Stretch my boundaries by contemplating my personal life issues
  4. Extend my life span by eating healthily and continuing to exercise
  5. Buy only pants with elastic waistbands
I wish that last one weren't necessary, but there you are. I've really tried to keep the old waistline, but I'm finding that unless I'm willing to be hungry all the time, it's not happening. This is not to say that I am giving up and letting myself become a sloth, but that I will let a little realism about what 67 looks like creep into my self image. Some women are pears and some are apples, and no matter what I do, this apple will not morph into a pear. (That reminds me: that favorite pair of jeans: should I give up on trying to get into them ever again?)

What word would you choose for 2010 if you had to choose just one?

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