Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cyber coffee klatch

Something weird is happening with all of our computers. All this morning I've been trying to figure out what is wrong with my beautiful iMac (I'm now on my trusty laptop). It started making a sound like a bicycle with a playing card in its wheel, i.e., a loud whirring sound that has never been there before. I have spent an hour or two on the phone with Apple. More about that later.

The picture above? I had to download it again since it was ready for my new post on my iMac, but I just LOVED it when I ran across it. This is the way I feel when I'm blogging with all my friends. It's like we are all sitting around a virtual table and talking to each other about our daily lives. It's so immediate. I look forward to seeing what my cohorts have posted today, each with her (or his) own flavor. And then I comment, and I look for their comments on my latest posts. Although it's not likely that I will ever meet any of you, I must say that without a doubt you are important to me. Not just because I feel like I know you, but because you also know about me.

I will use the rest of my time here to answer questions that some of you have asked. First, how is my leg doing? Well, tomorrow will be my second hike on it since I smacked it. There is still some discoloration but nothing compared to the picture I posted at the end of "Fall Colors." The center of the direct hit is still a little warm and tender, but also so much better.

Second, the yarn story. I am waiting for my bank account to be plumped up a little at the first of the month, and then I'll go down to Spincycle and buy a bunch of yarn and a pattern, and tell you what I'm going to make. I intend to make something for Sandy's homeless people as well as something for myself. To tell you the truth, I don't think it will be $42/skein for the homeless, or even for me, but something a little more durable and less pricey. But I will support my local Spincycle people. Maybe once I tell them what I'm going to do they might give me a bunch of unmatched samples or something, and I can get excited about spreading the word.

I have the faintest mental suggestion that someone asked me a question I haven't answered. Judy, I think of you every day when I go to the gym, because I need the Sweetie key chain with my gym pass on it to get inside. (I won it!) Today I bounced around and worked up a good sweat. Then I went for a massage from my favorite therapist.

And finally, the iMac: it's still in the process of going through a "extended testing" to see if any of the hardware shows up as bad. But in the meantime, my husband and I made an appointment and will be heading to Vancouver, Canada, this Friday to visit the closest Apple store to see if they can replace this bad fan. I'm pretty sure that's what it is, because it hasn't changed in intensity since this morning. It will be fun: it's closer to us than the Seattle stores, and it's in downtown Vancouver! Other than having to carry a cumbersome iMac into the store (in its original box, of course) and having to find a place to park, it will be a great adventure! More later.

Tomorrow I'm going hiking in the rain. I'm ready for anything. Rain, hail, just try me! I'm ready.

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