Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Truth in advertising

Does this hamburger look good to you? It's from an advertisement (I think) for a thick, juicy hamburger. Now I've not eaten one of these for almost forty years now, being a semi-vegetarian since then. For years I didn't eat red meat but chicken, turkey and fish, and then I learned how poultry is treated and processed and stopped eating chicken, staying with fish and sometimes turkey. Now I only eat turkey on holidays, and fish I try to eat once or twice a week, for my heart health.

But this hamburger just doesn't look good to me any more. I don't eat white bread, either, so this bun also doesn't look like food. Whole grain bread made at my local bakery is about all I eat these days. I just signed up to do the 30-day throw-down over at Robynn's Ravings because I guess I feel pretty much like it would be an easy thing for me to do: eat no fast food, only healthy, energizing, "real" food for 30 days. This hamburger would probably be verboten, if I usually ate such things.

In just one morning, I have found myself wondering about the latte I drink without thinking about it: where did the ingredients come from? Does coffee count as "real" food? Oh my! What have I gotten myself into? Looking at what I eat, thinking about what goes into my body should be an interesting exercise.

Since I don't go to McDonald's or Taco Bell, I thought it would be easy, but already I'm wondering what is really good, nutritious food? Ice cream? (probably not) Cream cheese from Wisconsin? And it must be good for the planet if it's good for me... right? Hmmm. More later.

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